Sorry but...
Straight eighth notes do not belong prominently in Jazz; I just can't give this a high rating in this category.
Sorry but...
Straight eighth notes do not belong prominently in Jazz; I just can't give this a high rating in this category.
I'm sorry, but straight eighths DO belong in the Jazz category, you simply haven't listened to enough REAL Jazz.
Jazz has so much distinct categories, that things you thought were something else are actually part of it. Things such as Bossa Nova (Blue Bossa, Black Orpheus(SS20 did a great version of this)), Third-Stream (Dave Brubeck, the master of the genre (Take Five, Blue Rondo à la Turk)), Latin Jazz (Caravan, Watermelon Man), and many others, all in Straight Eighths.
My song goes in the Ballad category, wich is for the most part in straight eighths, and I'm pretty sure i know what I'm talking about when I say this song goes in the Jazz category.
So next time, please make sure what you say is actually revelant to anything, or that you're actually positive about what you're saying.
Samuel Hébert
This would do Scott Joplin proud!
Good Trance
Great quality, and a suggestion. If you feel a song is repetitive, you can submit it under the "loop" category.
Well, making a loop is about "repating" the song all over.. This wasn't connected to the start at all, so I don't see why this would be labeled as a loop :P
Thanks for the review, I appreciate it :)
For what the author said the music was designed for, great.
Thanks, man! I appreciate it!
Despite claims of being too slow, this song is techno and that does not define speed. Good work.
thank you :) not too sure what kinda music it is specificaly, so i just put it in techno, so whatever, shouldnt have rules :P
comment apreciated :)
Age 44, Male
High School
Joined on 1/13/09